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Helpful Tenant & Landlord Information
State Resources
  • Tennessee Housing Development Agency - State Housing Agency
  • State of Tennessee - provides general information about Tennessee government and resources
  • TN Consumer Affairs - Works to enforce the state consumer protection act and assist consumers and business owners who are victims of unfair business practices.
  • Tennessee Department of Human Services - Provides a source for information on financial, employment, rehabilitative and protective services available for economically disadvantaged, disabled or vulnerable Tennesseans.
  • Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services - Describes treatment and recovery services available through the department and its community agency contractors.
  • Tennessee Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities - The Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (DIDD) is the state agency responsible for administering services and support to Tennesseans with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
  • Help for Tennessee Families - The State of Tennessee link to many state resources for those needing assistance in tight economic times: help citizens find a job, get job training, access health care services, and reduce transportation costs.
  • Tennessee Department of Tourist Development - Provides a Tennessee vacation guide including complete tourism information with comprehensive road maps, contact information and detailed facts about venues.
  • Tennessee Emergency Management Agency - responsible for developing and implementing a vast array of plans related to the manner in which the state prepares for and responds to disasters
  • TN Commission on Aging & Disabilities - dedicated to working for adults with disabilities and older Tennesseans by providing leadership and guidance for a system that promotes health, dignity, independence and security through an array of community and in-home services, the protection of rights and the implementation of best practices.
  • Tennessee Human Rights Commission - Safeguarding individuals from discrimination through enforcement and education
  • Tennessee State Board of Education - the governing and policy-making body for the Tennessee system of public elementary and secondary education
  • Tennessee Chamber of Commerce - the Local Area Chamber Directory contains contact information for all 112 chambers of commerce in Tennessee.
  • United Way of Tennessee - find a local United Way Organization in Tennessee
  • Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions - The department has legal responsibility for assuring the Tennessee banking system runs on a safe and sound basis. In its supervisory role, the department periodically examines financial soundness of each financial institution it regulates. In addition, consumers' complaints involving Financial Institutions are handled by the department.
  • Tennessee Department Economic and Community Development, Office of Program Management - State CDBG program - provides a link to Program Management office which administers the state Small Cities Community Development Block Grant program.
  • Retirement communities - provides a link to the Tn Department of Economic and Community Development program that promotes Tennessee to retirees
  • Cover Tennessee - provides information on health insurance options that are affordable and portable, and meets the needs of the uninsured in our state. Cover Tennessee has four components: CoverKids, CoverTN, AccessTN and CoverRx
  • Tennessee Legal Aid - Provides a link to Tennessee alliance for legal services.
  • Habitat for Humanity - Brings families and communities in need together with volunteers and resources to build decent, affordable housing.
  • TN Health Department Zika Virus Alert - The Tennessee Department of Health alerts people traveling to countries with ongoing Zika virus transmission to protect themselves during travel and when returning to Tennessee.
Federal Resources
Regional Resources
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